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Marylhurst University degree, fake Marylhurst University diploma, Marylhurst University certificate,

Unlike most of the institutions that have failed recently, Marylhurst isn’t in the Northeast or Midwest. But it is a Roman Catholic institution with a modest endowment. How to order a fake Marylhurst University degree, fake Marylhurst University diploma, buy Marylhurst University certificate, buy fake diploma.

Marylhurst University, a Roman Catholic institution located on the outskirts of Portland, Ore., announced Thursday that it would close by the end of the year, after nearly 125 years of operation.

The university has seen its enrollment plummet from 1,409 in 2013, when many colleges’ enrollment swelled as people returned to college during the Great Recession, to half that (743) in 2017. Because the university has a history of serving adult students — two-thirds of its enrollees attend part time, and 80 percent are over the age of 25 — its enrollment patterns look more like those of community colleges and for-profit institutions, which have taken a beating as the labor market has (partially) recovered.

Marylhurst said in a written statement that it would help 81 students graduate by the end of this summer and work with more than 320 remaining students to help them transfer to other colleges and universities.

Marylhurst’s Board of Trustees, during “months of extensive analysis and thoughtful deliberation,” considered “numerous reorganization scenarios and strategies,” but found “no viable financial path that would have enabled us to sustain the high level of academic programming for which we have always strived without putting an extreme, unsustainable burden on our students, faculty and staff,” Chip Terhune, the chair-elect of the board, said in the statement. How to order a fake Marylhurst University degree, fake Marylhurst University diploma, buy Marylhurst University certificate, buy fake diploma.
