Cost to order a fake Université Paris 5 diplôme, buy fake Paris Descartes University diploma, buy fake French diploma. Paris Descartes University also known as Paris V and Universite Paris 5 Rene Descartes in French is a public university located in Paris, France. The university is the successor to University of Paris after it was split in 1971. The university was established as a centre of Humanities and Health Sciences.
Paris Descartes University vastly focuses on Health and Medical Sciences, and Humanities streams. Some of the subjects on offer are Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biomedical Physics, Sociology, Anthropology, Linguistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Law.
Paris Descartes University also offers dual Master’s degrees such as Economics and Psychology, and Cogmaster in partnership with French institutions like Pantheon-Sorbonne University and Ecole Normale Superieure.
Paris Descartes University is scattered around ten campuses in Paris with its headquarters in College de Chirurgie campus. Faculties, research centres, laboratories, and teaching facilities are located in College de Bourgogne, Saints-Perers, Henri-Pieron, Malakoff, and Montrouge.
Paris Descartes University is home to 10 university libraries including BU Cochin, BU Cordeliers, BU HEGP, BU Necker, BU Malakoff, BU Montrouge, BU Henri-Pieron, BU Sciences, SHS Descartes CNRS Library, and BU STAPS. Students can access over 300,000 documents and 70,000 e-journals and 28,000 e-books via these libraries. The university also provides extensive medical, sports, shopping, and leisure services to the students.